Design Wisdom in Small Space: Beauty Shop

17 $

ISBN : 9781910596739
المؤلف : Joe Gentry
تاريخ النشر : 2018
عدد الصفحات : 208
وزن الشحن : 1900
رقم الطبعة : 1
نوع التجليد : كرتونه مقوى
نوع الورق : ملون
التصنيفات: , الوسوم: , , ,

The book selects projects of small-scale cosmetic shops from different regions to show the nowadays design trend. In this book, you can learn from the famous design agency, Nendo, from Japan, to understand how to combine coffee shop with cosmetic shop together. Customers can enjoy a cup of coffee, while selecting their favorite cosmetic products. You can also \”experience\” the 32-square-meter shop in a rather simple style to see how the designer enlarge the space area visually through the use of elements to the minimum. The book aims to conclude the crucial design elements of cosmetic shops. And at the same time, it shows common techniques and things to be considered specially during the design process for you to refer to.