Design Wisdom in Small Space: Coffee Shop

17 $

ISBN : 9781910596746
المؤلف : Joe Gentry
تاريخ النشر : 2017
عدد الصفحات : 196
وزن الشحن : 1630
رقم الطبعة : 1
نوع التجليد : كرتونه مقوى
نوع الورق : ملون
التصنيفات: , الوسوم: , , ,

The book selects projects of small-scale coffee shops from different regions to show design features and crucial elements for you to refer to. In this book, you can find a steam-punk coffee shop of 30 square meters; you can also find a 60m2 coffee shop with a gallery to boast the theme human art. You can enjoy this book with a cup of coffee in hand and we believe it will be a nice day! The book aims to inspire designers, and enlighten the one who will be an owner of a small coffee shop. Also, the one who loves traveling can go to the coffee shop mentioned in this book through the detailed address information to enjoy the local cultures.