Design Wisdom in Small Space II: Clothing Shop

17 $

ISBN : 9781912268719
المؤلف : Joe Gentry
تاريخ النشر : 2020
عدد الصفحات : 208
وزن الشحن : 1900
رقم الطبعة : 1
نوع التجليد : كرتونه مقوى
نوع الورق : ملون
التصنيفات: , الوسوم: , , ,

This is the second series of DESIGN WISDOM IN SMALL SPACE. The five volumes are Clothing Shop, Coffee Shop, Sweet Shop, Bakeshop, and Restaurant. The latest design trends in these commercial spaces with small size are fully explored. This volume focuses on the design of clothing shops, particularly on how to make full use of the limited area and provide a comfortable shopping experience: 26 projects are selected, ranging from 20 to 90 square meters in size, categorised into two parts: “fashion shops” and “shoes and bags shops”; Each project is introduced in detail, including project background, design concept and design process. Starting from the design problem, you will go through each project and find how the architects/designers found the solutions. Lessons are to be learnt from the experience, including the use of space, material selection, colour scheme, and display. The book aims to help interior designers and clothing shop owners to learn more practical knowledge about clothing shop design…