Islamic Art: the Past and Modern

18 $

ISBN : 9788174365002
المؤلف : Nuzhat Kazmi
الناشر : LPR
تاريخ النشر : 2009
عدد الصفحات : 144
وزن الشحن : 953
رقم الطبعة : 1
نوع التجليد : كرتونه مقوى
نوع الورق : ملون
التصنيفات: , الوسوم: , , ,

Islamic Art is a product of certain forceful factors that created a cultural milieu which was centered on the religious ethos and intellectual affinities inspired by Islam and its followers. No art can grow in isolation and nor did Islamic art. From its early manifestations to this date, it has taken from other cultural traditions and has also given to different social structures and visual languages of the world. This book looks at the artistic output of the Islamic civilization through the centuries, from the time of its inception to its interpretations in the contemporary world. The author has brought the inclusive as well as the exclusive qualities of this great tradition of the world with the empathy and seriousness that this unique art demands. Islamic Art is a product of certain forceful factors that created a cultural milieu which was centered on the religious ethos and intellectual affinities inspired by Islam and its followers. No art can grow in isolation and nor did Islamic art. From its early manifestations to this date, it has taken from other cultural traditions and has also given to different social structures and visual languages of the world. This book looks at the artistic output of the Islamic civilization through the centuries, from the time of its inception to its interpretations in the contemporary world. The author has brought the inclusive as well as the exclusive qualities of this great tradition of the world with the empathy and seriousness that this unique art demands.